Intellectual Production 4

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There are very few women in STEM programs and even less in the workplace, women who are working in the gaming industry are more likely to face bitter criticism or malice from their male peers. Feminist in Games (FiG) purpose is to research ingrained prejudice that women face in the gaming industry and build a feminist alliance who’s goal is to transform the situation. FiG has grown into an international collaborative research initiative which supports the creation of programs to provide women with the tools that are necessary to break down the barriers they will face in the gaming industry and to empower women to forge ahead in a male dominated sector.

The tech industry is male dominated so it is imperative that we strive towards leveling up girls tech skills at a young age and keep growing those skills so they can become leaders in the tech sector, these are top paying jobs that need diverse leadership to stop men from punishing women who challenge them.  The Re-FiG alliance supports feminists approaches and practices that promote breaking down gender stereotypes and entrenched prejudice against women in the games industry.

The gaming industry has been male dominated for many years, it has become the status quo, this is the same for all careers in the STEM industry. How can we use the knowledge FiG has gained to empower other sectors of STEM to create an alliance whose goal is to break down the barriers women face in those industries?